Help Wanted for One Million Canadian Job Vacancies
Job openings in Canada have passed the one million mark, which is a sign that companies are being challenged finding enough workers. In September 2021, there were 1,014,600 open positions, reported by Statistics Canada, which represents six percent of all jobs. Food services and hotels have the highest number of unfilled jobs at 14.4 percent. […]
Highly Educated Immigrants Find Opportunities Working in Canada
Canada is the top choice in a recent survey of over 200,000 people in 190 countries around the world. One immigrant from Calcutta, India, was searching for an English-speaking country, that had a warm attitude toward immigrants, and was a tolerant society with excellent schools. Ronnie Banerjee chose Canada over the US and Britain to […]
Canada Ranked Top Expat Worker Destination
When people from 190 countries were asked what country they would be willing to relocate to for a job, Canada was the top choice. The response to the global pandemic by the Canadian government helped edge the country past the US on the report. Australia, ranked very closely behind the US, also did a better […]
Amazon to Create 3,000 Tech Jobs in Canada at Vancouver Hub
The new positions in Vancouver tech hub will be concentrated on cloud computing, machine learning, and e-commerce technology.
Toronto Attracts Tech Workers from Around the Globe
In a recent study of 55 tech firms with more than $1 million in revenue, 53% saw an increase in international applicants.